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Lakeside Vaqueros

Lakeside Youth Football and Cheer

Q: What is Lakeside Youth Football & Cheer (LYFC) and what is its goal?
A: LYFC provides the opportunities to participate in an organized, safety orientated and competitive football & cheer program for ages 5-14. Our goal is to enhance the skills of each participant through dedication, practice and hard work and to develop characteristics like commitment, teamwork and good sportsmanship that carry over into adulthood and our community. 

Q: When does registration open?
A: Registration starts in the first week of March. 

Q: When does the season start?

A: July 15th, 2025

Q: When are practices held?
A: *Mandatory Conditioning will be July 15th-18th, 21st-24th 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM*
Starting July 28th practices will remain 4 days a week: 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM
August 19th- End of season: Tuesdays - Thursdays 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

-Flag Schedule-
July 15th-18th 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
July 21st-24th 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
August 19th- End of season: Tuesdays - Thursdays 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Q: Where are practices held?
A: El Capitan High School fields near Cactus Park. Please only park in the high school parking lot or Cactus Park parking lot. There is absolutely no parking allowed behind the school.

Q: When and where are games?
A: Games are every Saturday starting mid-August, and can be as far east as El Centro, as far south as Chula Vista and as far north as Murieta; LYFC home games are in the stadium at El Capitan High School. The official schedule will be released weekly by West Coast Conference (WCC); opponents, dates, times and locations are all decided by WCC. *LYFC has no input or control over the game schedule.

Q: What time/volunteering commitment is required of parents?
A: For the safety of our participants, we request that at least one guardian remain at the fields for the duration of the practices.
There are also various volunteering positions that are needed for each game both home and away. Each Team Parent will be responsible for determining how these positions are assigned.
Home games require volunteers for:
Announcer - to call the game
Time Clock - sits in announcer booth
Chain Gang - 3 people to move field markers
Play Counter - Stands on home or visitor sideline to work with the other team's counter to ensure play minimums are met
Videographer - every game must be recorded and submitted to WCC
Parents will also be asked to volunteer for the Snack Bar and Spirit Table for 2 hours prior to their game start time.
Away games require a Play Counter & Videographer

Q: What safety protocols are used to ensure player safety and concussion prevention for football?
A: The industry requirement for helmet certification is every 2 years, LYFC has all of our helmets certified through Riddell © annually to ensure proper functionality and player safety. LYFC emphasizes the proper fitting of equipment (helmet and pads) and encourages the use of a Guardian Cap. All members of the coaching staff are required to be USA Football certified (football) and YCADA certified (cheer) annually, these certifications include an intensive concussion training course. Additionally, a minimum of 2 members of the coaching staff (head coach is required) must be CPR certified. Head coaches are also required to attend a mandatory coach clinic that focuses on safety protocols. In addition, an EMT is present at all home games. 

Q: What are the scholastic requirements for Pop Warner?
A: Your child must have a GPA of 70% or greater for the entire academic year of the previous school year including "specials." If you child's GPA is lower than 70% you will need to sign a waiver stating that it is beneficial for your child to participate in Pop Warner and you will provide progress reports from school during the season. For students who do not receive traditional letter grades, Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc. has conversion formulas that enable us to calculate your child's grade percentage.

Q: What fundraising is required for the league?
A: No league fundraising is required; however, the league depends on these funds to continue to re-invest into the program with items such as helmets, pads, cheer mats, tackle pads etc. 

Q: What is the refund policy?
A: Please see the Forms tab for this information

Q: What does the registration fee cover?
A: We try to keep our registration costs as low as possible. The fee helps cover the cost of items such as uniforms, field rentals, light rentals, equipment maintenance, referee and emergency personnel fees, and insurance. 

Contact Us

Lakeside Youth Football and Cheer

P.O. Box 1486 
Lakeside, California 92040

Email: [email protected]

Lakeside Youth Football and Cheer

P.O. Box 1486 
Lakeside, California 92040

Email: [email protected]
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