We offer a payment plan!We believe that every child should have the opportunity to play football and cheer, no matter the financial situation. That’s why w...
Every ticket sold makes a difference, Earn your Registration! Get yours today, $5 per ticket. See details on flyer.
Sale extended to March 30th!!
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT, VAQUEROS! Pop Warner has announced start date of July 15. We need YOUR help to share and get the word out!
At Elks lodge, Lakeside From 12:00 to 6:00pm Football: Paperwork turn in only Paperwork: -Copy of Birth certificate -medical history form -refund policy/ PP & Bylaw agreement
Represent the Vaqueros in our community!
At Grand Ole BBQ from 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM Stay for dinner and support LYFC! Mention LYFC to receive 10% OFF your ticket! Cheerleaders: Paperwork turn in only Paperwork: -Copy of Birth certificate -medical history form -refund pol...
Gym Trix is hosting a Cheer Clinic! Brush on your skills before the season starts. Spots are limited. https://gymtrixinc.com/
Get your Vaqueros Cheer Merch! Your support helps us cover the cost of our new cheers and other goals! Sale extended to March 30th!
Join the Lakeside Vaqueros and be part of something bigger, be part of the family! Whether it’s tackle football or cheer, this is your chance to grow, compete, and create lifelong memories.Don’t miss out!
Support your Favorite Athlete! Purchase a raffle ticket for a chance to win, while helping our young athletes thrive. Sell 75 tickets-Earn 50% off registration (uniform cost not included) Sell 150 tickets- Earn 100% off registrat...
Introducing our 2025 Lakeside Vaqueros coaching staff!! 🏈📣
P.O. Box 1486 Lakeside, California 92040